Melissa & Jack take Newport!


Lisianthus, spray roses, hydrangea, garden roses and accents of babies breath and dusty miller, make for a elegant and plush bridal bouquet. Satin ribbon wrapped with stems showing.


Dusty miller gets to steal the show as a detail on each napkin popping off the silver beading of the lovely Rentals Unlimited chargers and the silver ribbon on the truffles! Yum!Low lush blooms in frosted glass.


Tall centerpieces interlaced with the shorter presentations brought your eye up to the beautiful blue tone up lighting. Clean simple groupings of white hydrangea soured above the beautiful tables-capes.

Melissa’s bouquet was the classic timeless all white, comprised of lush blooms in a compact display. The maids had white sprays roses accented with black-centered anemones and dusty miller.

Cocktail tables wore silver linens with mercury glass on mini round mirrors, filled with dusty miller, creamy roses and grouped spray roses.

Large displays of babies breath for the ceremony.

The lovely ladies;)


Escort cards in custom white boxes resting in beds of babies breath.


They are so stunning! Melissa is not only a lovely bride and fellow Leo-lady but she has a wonderful shop in Boston, check her out here: French Dressing Lingerie .

To see more images from this wedding check out the Photographers Blog.



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